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New Product Thermoflex Reflectra

Reflectra out of the dark

Thermoflex Reflectra is the new heat transfer product that is selling like crazy and being talked about by screen printers everywhere. Available as both a plotter-cut material and an embroidery heat transfer in 23 different patterns and 17 solid colors, including neons and a frosty clear (Sensation Opaque Translucent). The best thing is that the image is dark in natural light, but once there's a flash from a camera, a bright white light from headlight,s the whole image will light up and reflect. It's a great new product to play around with for designers and the images being created are very impressive. We will be selling it in 12.5”x 19” sheets. If you have any questions about the product then leave a comment below or contact us here. To see a quick video of this product click here. reflectra hoodie reflectra love hate
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