March 21 - 22
March 21 - 22 | Sign Up
NAZDAR 9500 Series AquaPrint II Ready-for-Use (RFU) Screen Ink
A water-dispersible, lead/heavy metal-free pigmented screen printing ink by Nazdar. Ready for printing straight from the container on cotton, cotton/polyester blends, cotton/rayon blends, acetate, some 100% polyester and Lycra blends.
Suggested Mesh
60‐160 tpi monofilament polyester mesh for most applications.
Cotton, cotton/polyester blends, cotton/rayon blends, acetate, some 100% polyester and Lycra blends.
High fashion wearables, light-colored T-shirts, sweatshirts, and towels.
9512 RFU Blue 2G 9551 RFU Red 2B*
9514 RFU Red YR** 9565 RFU A1351 Aquapaque White*
9516 RFU Violet 4B 9567 RFU Halftone Blue (also avail. In 5 gallon)
9517 RFU Scarlet LF 9568 RFU Halftone Yellow
9518 RFU Scarlet YDC* 9569 RFU Halftone Magenta
9519 RFU Orange R* ]
9520 RFU Blue R
9525 RFU White BR**
9526 RFU Fuchsia*
9536 RFU Yellow 3RH ]
9540 RFU Meta-Glo KS
9541 RFU Aquatique White
9542 RFU Yellow 2G**
9543 RFU Navy
9544 RFU Blue 3G*
9546 RFU Black L**
9547 RFU Brown SR