Proclaim HR has a higher resolution than regular Proclaim. Will resolve up to 40 micron lines and spaces on 305 t/inch (120 t/cm) or 380 t/inch (150 t/cm).
(37%) solids content provides excellent bridging of coarse mesh better stencil build per coat, and fast drying. Proclaimhas superb coating properties and durability, and is resistant to a wide variety of solvent-based inks, as well as water-based UV. Proclaim is very suitable for general purpose graphics, textile, and industrial applications. Latitude, resolution, and edge definition are excellent, which makes it ideal for fine line and halftone printing.
Proclaim is in green color.
For the best contrast, use Red Blockout.
28UFPROCLAIM-HR 28 ounces (0.83 liters)
1GUFPROCLAIM-HR 1 gallon (3.785 liters) 4 per case
5GUFPROCLAIM-HR 5 gallons (18.927 liters)
50GUFPROCLAIM-HR 50 gallons (189.175 liters)
Premeasured diazo sensitizer is included with each unit.
Shelf life 4-6 weeks after adding diazo
Coated mesh shelflife 4 weeks