7014 Legacy White is very opaque and easy to print, covers easily, is smooth to the touch and produces in a matte finish. It is creamy, fast-flashing and has great bleed resistance.
7014 Legacy White should be used right from the container without any modifications
If modification is necessary, use 1% to 5% by weight of 1099 Low Bleed Curable Reducer
110-305 t/in monofilament
325ºF (163ºC) for 1 minute Dependent on dryer speed and temperature settings
Any environmentally friendly plastisol screen wash like Bean-e-Doo
This product will spot dry, with a very low after flash tack. Dwell time is dependent on the spot dryer used. In some cases, you may have to lower the heat of the spot cure unit because too much heat may actually make the ink tacky. When you spot dry, you are only partially fusing or gelling the surface of the ink. The ink should be just dry to the touch, with no lift-off, but not totally fused. Totally fusing the under-print white may cause inter-coat adhesion problems with the inks printed on top of the white ink. Final fusing or curing should occur in the dryer.